Country Economic Data Template

Name: ______________________________Date:___________________Block:__________
Economics - Collecting Economic Data to determine if a Country is a  Developed Nation. 
Directions - Use Culture Grams to find information about two countries. The countries need to be different continents and different from other class members. 
Country Name: __________________________________  Continent 
  1.  Find your country -  Where is your country located.   Highlight on Printed Map. Then and click on it.  Then 
  2.   In the Did You Know? – section choose 1 interesting fact, and the best choice would be something connected to economics. - copy and paste or write  it below. 

3. Now go pass the Countries flag to Country Data and fill in the following information
Country Data
Population  ___________(rank=______)
Area (sq. mi.)  356,669 (rank= __________)
Human Development Index  _______________  of  ___________________ countries
Gender Inequality Index  __________
GDP (PPP) per capita  _____________
Adult Literacy  _______ (male);  ________ (female)
Infant Mortality  ________     per 1,000 births
Life Expectancy   ________(male);  ____________ (female)
Currency  ______________Create MLA citation. 

4.  Look on the left side bar and click on the title that will  give the following information 
Population  _________________________ Growth Rate:_________Urban Population________
Number of Languages Spoken?  ___________________ 
Official Language:___________________
Diet(list some foods/ dishes)  ________________________________________________________________
5.  Government 
Structure - what kind of government? 
Other interesting information? 

6.  Economy
GDP _________________________________ Per Capita __________________ 
What do they produce ?  What gives them Export Revenue (money) 
What do you they export:____________________
Skilled / Unskilled Issues?

7. Infrastructure
Internet Users (per 100 people) ___________    Cellular Phone Subscriptions __________  
Paved Roads  ___________________
Other interesting info? 

8. Education 
Adult Literacy __________   Mean years of Schooling ________

9.  Would you categorize this country - a developed country/ nation or a Less Developed Country - why or why not? 

10. Copy and Past this into your blog. then save this word document and print it. 
11.  Next - now complete the information for your second country. 
12.  Copy your blogs URL (website address) to the Class Economic Webpage

13. After you have completed the  data / information for both countries, collect some of the following information to place in a blog entry - called Images, Flag, Maps for  “Your Country”.   This will be used later in your research paper. and will give you extra credit until then. 

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