Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21

Today Your Goals are  take 2 shorts  economic quizzes and Select two countries post them to your blog with a map, and  listing their imports and exports.

1)  take the two online castle quizzes.  - Dated March 21. THEN

The a Country - Economic Report  -  You will choose two countries .
1) You can not choose the United States
2)  Your two countries must be from different continents.
3)  They must be different from any other student in class. So once you have chosen your countries, post your choices in the comments section so no one else can claim them.

4) To start go to the CIA Factbook and review the map and click on the continent your are interested in, choose your countries. Write them down on the paper.  Then click on your countries

5)  Open your Ecoomics blog in a new tab or window.  List your two country names, and their capital city.  Create a link to the map , or just use the image link to embed the picture in your blog.

5) Wikipedia - search for your country - select some images to illustrate your country here. See if the import and export information is the same.

6)  Culture Grams.

list your sources on your blog and what you find. The three sources.

Economics textbook online

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14 Economics


1)  Tomorrow there are important Presidential Primaries in several states, with Florida and Ohio being most important. Look to the right -> and answer the poll questions - if you were in these parties - who would you vote for? 

 2) Economics Quizzes
 go to castle learning and there will be 3 quizzes to take - Take the ones that have the date March 14. They are multiple choice and are approximately 10-15 questions on each. They are also timed. use your time wisely.

  Click here to take the quizzes  -  Remember take the ones dated March 14 -

3) Then click on the above navigation - block 3 economics and add your website.

4) Summarize the following - What is the purpose of a Political Party primaries? Who is the most interesting candidate so far? Who would you vote for ? and which candidate do you definitely not want to see win. Post this in your economics blog.

--- upcoming event - St. Baldericks at Fowler - help out / donate see link

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday March 7 Assignment

Complete DIN

Then take Castle Learning Economics Quiz.

Then do the backside of the paper.  Record your answers on your blog,

Give the  Post Title:  Presidential Economic Priorities

 Then copy the following into your blog post.

       If you were President - what do you think, we should spend on the following.  What percentage of your country’s resources would you spend on the following?
_______ National Defense
_______ Roads, Mass Transit, Airplanes
_______ Health Care
_______ Education
_______ Social Security (for retired people)
_______ Welfare (people unable to work, or unemployed)
_______ Consumer Goods
_______ Other:____________________________________________
100 -      remember your numbers / percentages should add up to 100.
What were your priorities (most important)? Explain why? What received the least amount of resources? Why? 

Then create another blog post - called Commodities Pricing  

4. - Natural Resources - Commodities.
Now go to the following links:
1) or 2)

Review the charts, then list one item from each category that has gone up in price and one item that has gone down in price.
Natural Resources
One that has increased
One that has decreased




Summarize -  Does anything surprise you ?  If you were a car maker - which commodities which you most be interested in? 

If you were a Corn Farmer which would you be interested in? What if you were Cattle Rancher ?